About our Club
PBCJFC Coaching Philosphy and Model
PBCJAFC offers teams for male and female players in the following age groups:
- Super Star 6's
- Super 8's
- U9.5
- U10.5
PBCJAFC offers teams for male players in the following age groups:
- U11.5
- U12.5
- U14.5
- U16.5
PBCJAFC offers teams for female players in the following age groups:
- U11.5
- U13.5
- U15.5
- U17.5
Male teams in the age groups U12.5, U15.5 and U16.5 play competitive fixtures and finals series
Female teams in the age groups U13.5, U15.5 and U17.5 play competitive fixtures and finals series
- To ensure that all PBCJAFC players across all age groups are safe, have fun and receive training that advances their skills and abilities.
- To prepare PBCJAFC players for continued enjoyment of the game of Australia Rules football following their junior sport journey, whatever their desired pathway.
1. To deliver training that advances players' skills and abilities while also advancing the club valuees including:
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Effort
- Respect
- Sportsmanship
- Inclusion
2. To ensure that all PBCJAFC players have equal access to oppoutunities in training, development and game time which meets the AFLQ junior football guidelines of playing time equivalent to the 3/4 game.
3. To advance individual and team development and oppourtunities.
PBCJAFC appoints minimum 2x coaching co-ordinators.
1 x Co-ordinator is responsible for coaching matters for male and female ager groups from Superstar6s to U11s.
1 x Co-ordinator is responsible for coaching matters for male and female ager groups from U12s to U17s.
The club is considering a coaching co-ordinator for girls football.
PBCJAFC's coaching model for competitive age groups is:
- Head Coach
- Minimum 3 Assistant coaches, including one assigned Division 2 Coach
- Minimum 2 Runners/Fitness coaches
PBCJAFC's coaching model for non-competitive age groups (upt to and including U11.5s) is:
- 2 x Coaches - 1 per team
- Minimum 2 assistant coaches/runners per team
All teams are supported by 1 x team manager.
PBCJAFC's coaching model requires all age group players to train together for minimum 1 x session per week (Conference and Community)
PBCJAFC's coaching model for non-competitive age groups requires all age group players to train together for a minimum 1x session per week (Gold and Blue teams).
Coaching Selection Process
- PBCJAFC Committee appoints minimum 2 x Coaching Co-ordinators
- PBCJAFC appoints coaching sub-committee- incluidng (but not limited to) PBCJAFC President, 2 x Coaching Co-ordinators, independent selector
- Coaches apply for age group roles
- Panel interview
- Committee makes decision on appointments based on sub-committee selection recommednations.
It is expected by the PBCJAFC committee and coaching subcommittee that applicants for coaching positions present as a united team and coaches in Division 1 and Division 2 are fully committed to the group training model for minimum one session per week.
It is expected that the head coach implements group training and facilitates any extra expert training events, as available.
Complaints Process
Coaches are volunteers and are valued by PBCJAFC for the vital role they fulfil in the club.
To support coaches fulfilling their primary role of training players, PBCJAFC adopts the following process for dealing with complaints concerning all coaching matters in cases where issues cannot be resolved immediately by way of friendly conversation between parties:
- Parents, carers are not approach or directly complain to coaches
- Written or erbal complain submitted to Coaching Co-ordinator or Committee
- Coaching Co-ordinator reports written complaint and preferred solution to committee
- Committee provides written response to complainant outling solution and outcome.